Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
Intent: Active resident involvement is critical for the long-term success and sustainability of any community. Also known as "The Fun Committee" or "The Fun Posse"—The Program Advisory Committee (PAC for short) provides an important engagement opportunity for residents in good standing to advise and support the Lifestyle Director in a formal planning and review of community events and activities.

PAC Mission:
The members of the PAC provide input on the Fairway Villas community and serve as representatives, working with the Lifestyle Manager in suggesting, planning, presenting, and reviewing inclusive community events and activities.
Additional Documents
PAC Selection Process
Represent a diverse background and set of interests
Has skills to carry out the committee’s mission
Represent the active adult lifestyle values of the community
Has a broad community perspective and a positive “can do” attitude (versus a special interest)
Committed to planning, organizing resident activities and events
A team player and can work with residents with different viewpoints
Willing and able to commit time, energy, and effort to the committee, and to actively contribute to the success of the communities programming
Orientation to the Program Advisory Committee
A thoughtful and informative orientation to the advisory committee following the selected members
Review the Mission of committee and objectives
Review and Select Committee member roles, responsibilities, and time commitment
Examples of past and present activities
Discuss community Issues and brainstorm ways the PAC can make improvements
Timeline/Application Launch – Fairway Villas
Newsletter announcement TBD
Application Submission Deadline Friday, January 13, 2023 by 5pm.
Orientation: TBD